Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Blog #9: The Flipped Classroom, PowerPoint

         The Flipped Classroom is a very interesting concept to me. It consists of different delivery systems, such as Distance Delivery, Online Delivery, and Blended Devilry. Distance Delivery is linked with distance education, which is the delivery of instruction to students who are separated from their teacher by time and/or location. Technology is what compromises the gap between time and/or location. Students do mot see their teacher in face to face settings. Due to advances in technology, Distance education has become more and more popular.
          In Online Learning Delivery, the delivery systems offer instruction entirely from the Internet. Teachers and students use a Learning management system, which is composed of a series of bundled tools that schools can employ to create full - featured online classrooms. These systems usually present and organize course materials, provide assessments, add enhanced activity formats, record student progress with grade books, etc.
           This system of delivery has a very popular feature, called an open source delivery. What this does is offers free services to help create and formulate assignments, wikis, chats, forums, surveys, lessons, workshops for peer assessments, etc. Another tool that we use currently that is apart of this learning system is BlackBoard.
            LMS systems are very beneficial because they all operate the exact same way, so once you learn how to use one, the others are just as easy to navigate. With all of its features, LMS offers opportunities for students to participate in instruction at any time and from any place and for teachers to create innovative, pedagogically sound Internet based lessons for students regardless of their location.
          The last type of delivery systems are blended delivery systems. This combines the elements of both face to face instruction and online learning. Some schools offer courses that meet regularly like traditional classes but with online support components. Other schools may offer occasional face to face meetings as support for an online course.
          This blended system combines a traditional and online experiencing of learning in the classroom. Blended learning offers some unique advantages by providing the type of learning experience learners are most likely to have during their academic and work careers. Face to face training models are to time consuming and way to costly.
          Blending online training and in house training is already the business norm. Another advantage is improved access to instruction. Teachers can use the communication tools in online learning to interact with students who cannot attend class. Students can use these same technologies to interact with peers.
           Here is a link to educational videos about flipped classrooms. Believe it or not, they are at the bottom of an educational blog from Edutopia:   Video
          The Powerpoint information dissemination taught me a lot about Powerpoint software. I learned how to download a free template from the Internet, and use it as my own template for my own PowerPoint presentation. I also learned how to set background images for my slides, instead of uploading a picture and stretching it out to make it seem like I placed a background there.
           I also learned how to use and edit the master slide of a powerpoint presentation, which allows me to customize the layout of my slides and have more say in the design, as well as how I choose to present my information.
          There was nothing that I did not like about this project. What I did like the most was the fact that I had the freedom to make a presentation as if I am currently a teacher, teaching the grade level and subject that I want to teach in the future. It is something that I do not get the opportunity to do in any other class, and it really makes me challenge myself to see how great of a teacher i can become. I also like the ability to use free templates from the Internet, that are more complex and innovative.
          If there was anything that I would improve for the next time I created a presentation, it would be to limit the amount of bulleted lists I have in them . I feel like i can create a more innovative, unique way to have my information pop off the screen that doesn't involve the same old, boring bullet points.                                                                       
          The PowerPoint Interaction assignment also taught me new things about the PowerPoint software that I didn't know were possible. I learned how to not only find but download a gameshow template on to PowerPoint software. 
          I also learned how to incorporate sounds with animations, which as crazy as it sounds was something I did not know how to do going into this assignment. I also learned how to hyperlink buttons, such as a home button that can navigate players of the game I made (Jeopardy) back to the overall question board. I also learned how to insert hyperlinks on shapes, allowing people to click the shape and move to the next slide.        
           There was nothing about this project that I did not like. What I did like was the fact that yet again I had freedom to choose whatever game I wanted to create, as well as the CPalms standard I got to base it off of. These assignments give me the opportunity to create these projects as if these are going to be used by me in a future class of mine, which gets me really excited.
            Next time, if I was to do anything differently, it would maybe be to challenge myself and work in a group for this project. Personally, I like to get things done on my own schedule and be responsible for everything. But adapting to change is something that I need to give myself an opportunity to try. Below are the screenshots for my PowerPoint information dissemination and my PowerPoint Interaction assignment:


Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Diigo Reflection

          I really enjoyed having the opportunity to use Diigo. I liked that you are able to join a group of individuals who have the same interests or job as you,l and create a personal learning network with these people. It gives you the opportunity to help other people in your network learn new things as well as for myself to learn new things that people find.
          As a future teacher, I definitely see myself using social bookmarking in the future. I will find my own Diigo group full of teachers to develop a learning network, and in that network I will annotate articles I find, highlight key points or ideas, and comment on other people's articles so i can understand why they thought certain information was relevant to our Diigo group. Overall, I feel like i learned more from social viewing.
          Social viewing allowed myself to view what other people think about the same topic, as well as share their points of view and their perspective based ion the articles they choose to include in our diigo group.With that being said, I definitely learned a lot while using diigo individually as well. Overall, Diigo is a great tool and I am glad I got to experience it and learn about it, because this will be a big help for me in my future career as a teacher.

Monday, March 20, 2017

ILP #2 Participation: MOOC "Introduction to Family Engagement in Education"

          I learned a lot from participating in a MOOC. This MOOC was called, "Introduction to Family Engagement in Education". It was definitely very different being in an online class setting versus a regular class setting. The syllabus for the class, as well as all the lesson plans and assignments were all there for me, but there was no teacher to physically walk me through the steps of the course and to help teach the curriculum.
           It makes you feel like you are all alone with the course material, and at first I felt lost. But once i navigated the syllabus and course calendar as well as the lesson plans and assignments, it slowly became manageable and I slowly became comfortable with the idea of an online class. Once I viewed the lesson plans, read the readings, answered the discussion questions, etc.
          I actually learned a lot. It seems scary learning in a class without a teacher, but it actually was comforting to know that it is possible to take part in an online class and succeed. When it comes to the material itself, I thought it was very interesting. I was able to learn about how parents and teachers need to be equally engaged in their child's/ students' education.
          This balance gives students the greatest chance to be the best student they can be, inside and outside of the classroom. Often times parents believe that they are not important in this process, and the teachers need to engage with the parents to explain that they are a very integral part of their child's learning process.
          This class also talked about the different types of engagement between teachers, students, and parents based on age/ grade levels. This course also talks about how important engagement is, and how teachers, parents, and students can increase how much they engage with one another.
          I liked the fact that after each video or reading during a specific lesson, there were questions that were asked to make sure we understood what we learned. I also liked the balance between readings and videos, because every good class always has an even balance. I also liked how we were surveyed before and after the class, to see why we joined the class, what we learned from it, how it was ran, etc. and if we would take it again, almost like a review after the class.
          These online courses are very organized and they allow for a large amount of people to take a course at the same time. IT was interesting to me ti see that certain classes were self paced, meaning all the material was there from the start and accessible, while other classes were regulated by the professor themselves, putting up specific lectures, assignments, etc. at a time based off of the specific lesson being taught at the time, to regulate the learning of the students. The course I participated in was self paced.
          Below are some examples of review questions I was asked after a video lecture or a reading, examples of readings that were assigned in the class, some of the shorter videos that were used in the lesson plan, as well as the survey that had to be taken before I began the course, and some of the pages of notes I took during the lessons I attended.

Blog #8 How to Keep Up With Technology Trends

          Last week we toured the lab that showcased adaptive technology to help students at FSU with physical and learning disabilities. One technology that can be beneficial is the braille keyboard. I thought that it was such a unique and cool tool, allowing students who are blind to be able to type papers, homework assignments, etc. in the classroom.
         Although they are quite expensive, these keyboards will help students who suffer from blindness complete assignments on a computer more efficiently and quickly that they ever could have before. It also allows a teacher in a classroom to focus on even student at a time, instead of having to direct more attention to the student who struggles writing their paper because of the fact that they are blind and need more attention.
          A braille keyboard will also help theses students become more independent, and make them feel happier about themselves. Another awesome tool that is beneficial for students with physical or learning disabilities in the classroom is the smart pen. The smart pen records the class audio while students are writing down specific notes.
          After the class, if the student wants to go back and review their notes, they just highlight the notes with the smart pen, and the pen will play the recording of what the teacher was talking about at the time of that specific note being written down in a student's notebook.
          This helps students in the classroom who are unable to focus for long periods of time, as well as student who physically is unable to process a lecture the first time that hey hear it. These two tools were my favorite tools I saw at the lab, and I think are the most beneficial for classrooms.
          Powerpoint is a very successful tool to use in the classroom. When it comes to Bloom's Taxonomy (First time I've heard of this), students can learn each level of this by being taught powerpoint. The different levels of Bloom's Taxonomy are create, evaluate, analyze, apply, understand, and remember. For example, lets say a high school teacher is teaching their studetns about WWII by using a powerpoint presentation.
           When it comes to creating, students can create a powerpoint presentation  themselves about a specific subtopic of WWII after seeing an example from their teacher. This will help students to retain information and learn new things about WWII that is important to their curriculum.
          The next level is evaluate, and teachers can incorporate evaluating in their power points very easily. Teachers can place discussion questions or activities or a pros and cons chart of WWII in the powerpoint, and have students go up to the SmartBoard and write right inside the powerpoint, allowing them to hands on learn.
          The next level is analyze. Teachers can place practice questions for the exam on WWII in the powerpoint and have the students answer them. Teachers can also make a game such as jeopardy on a powerpoint, as a WWII test review, which would give the student a fun way to analyze the informatobn they need to know for their exam.
           After analyzing comes applying. So, having students answer an essay question about the benefits of WWII that is shown in the powerpoint gets students to use the information they learned in the powerpoint to help them answer an important question that will be seen on their exam.
          Next comes understanding. Teachers teaching WWII should put a question at the end of the powerpoint that students should have to answer, that sums up what they learned in class today about WWII. Following this, next class the teacher will ask their students to remember what they learned last class by using an AIM or do now activity, asking them to discuss hat they learned in the last powerpoint, to reinforce/make sure they took away the key points of the powerpoint presentation from the previous class. These are some of the ways students will learn from each level of Bloom's Taxonomy from powerpoint presentations.
          As a teacher, it is more important now then ever before to embrace the changes of technology, and to make sure that as teachers we follow new developments in the world of teaching when it comes to technology and its trends. These trends although very different will help revolutionize teaching, and it is out job as teachers to know what they are, advocate for them, and eventually attempt to have a chance to use them in the classroom some day.
         There are many ways to stay up to date with technology trends in the teaching world. One great resource that will keep you in the loop is  EdTech Magazine. What this magazine does is come out with articles that discuss new developments, potential trends, etc., in ed tech that can be used in the future. It also discusses every aspect of technology for teachers and schools alike that are important for teachers to be successful in teaching their students with new technology. Sources like these are great tools to use to make sure you as a teacher are up to date with the latest technology trends in the classroom.

EdTech Magazine

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Diigo #4

          Through Diigo's activity, I learned that assistive technology can help students with either physical or learning disabilities better understand and comprehend curriculum that they are trying to learn. It allows them to be more confident in themselves, and allows them to work at their own pace and get the attention and help that they need while learning.