Friday, February 24, 2017

ILP #1

          For my first independent learning project, I chose to use Prezi for the first time to design a future presentation I would give to my students, 3rd graders in this case. My topic covers the CPALMS standard SS.3.A.1.1. (analyzing primary and secondary sources). Here is the link to my presentation!



  1. I used Prezi too! I like its options for displaying content.

    1. Prezi is a really cool way to present lesson plans, and it makes the content look more fun and engaging than a regular powerpoint would.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I used Prezi also. But I had a really hard time. It took me forever to get it to look somewhat decent. I really liked yours, its really creative, and Maybe next time I use it I could learn how to edit it more like yours.

    1. Thank you!! Also, your Prezi was really creative also i liked yours as well!!

  4. The embedded YouTube videos really help bring support your topic. The thinking music for group discussions was also great because I remember in school always wanting some type of music while in a group discussion. Using the Super Bowl interview as a review question was a great idea as well because its something that some students in the class can relate to. One thing I would add is your own venn diagram so your students could see what their teacher thinks and expand upon what they think.

    1. Thanks for your feedback Chip! Everything you said was apart of my thinking process for putting the Prezi together! Younger students sometimes need thinking music to stay on track, and also trying to bring recent events into a lesson plan will help younger students stay engaged, and have fun while learning. Also, thanks for your suggestion. Now that I think about it, in class my teachers always used to show us a model of their charts or venn diagrams filled out. Next time I will fill my own venn diagram out so my students can check their work.

  5. This Prezi was really incredible. I like how it wasn't just a whole bunch of information, it also included activities to keep the students engaged. I enjoyed going through the presentation and I could actually see it being used in a classroom. I don't think I could make a prezi with this much interactive activities!
