Tuesday, January 10, 2017

#0 My First Ever Blog

                 I have had many prior experiences using technology. Every single day I use technology to check Blackboard, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Word, PowerPoint, complete my homework, etc. Technology is a big part of my life and without it life would be very different. Even minutes before my class started today, I was checking sports scores on my phone and what to look forward to today in the sports world. Even back at home in Long Island, New York, technology is a big part of my life. I'm the oldest sibling in my family, and my little brothers as well as my mom are constantly coming to me asking how to use the new iPhone software, how to run this software on their Mac books, etc. I like to think of myself as someone who as an average understanding of technology and its functions. However, if I am clueless about what to do on my computer or phone or any other technology, I immediately call my dad. My dad knows absolutely everything about technology considering he uses so much of it for his job. With all of that being sad, technology is still a very big part of my life, and without it not only would school work be harder to complete, but it would be harder for me to socialize and meet new people as well.

                I hope to learn a lot of important things in this class that apply to my major. I want to become the best teacher that I can possibly be, and technology is a very powerful, important asset that can and will help me achieve my overall goal.Technology is a way to interact with students in the classroom, which when I become a teacher is something that is very important to me. I also want to become tech savvy, and teach my future students creative and new ways to work on group projects or individual assignments. In addition to that I also want to learn more about technology, and learn how to become more creative and take full advantage of everything that technology has to offer for teachers.
              My own learning style believe it or not is actually a great representation of who I am not only as a student but as a person as well. First, I am a mix of an active and reflective learner. Before I take action, I always stop for a moment and think about what it is exactly that i am setting out to do. Secondly, I am 100% a sensing learner. I love to learn facts and I find facts as one of the easiest ways to learn material or information. In addition, I also tend to love visuals. Whenever facts or information fails me, I can look at a diagram, graph, or chart and I will be able to understand what I previously found confusing. Lastly and most importantly, I am a sequential learner. I need to learn things step by step in order for me to fully understand a curriculum, I struggle when people teach me things out of order. All of these learning styles were highlighted in my results from the questionnaire that I took.

1 comment:

  1. Your tech confidence is such a great asset in this class. The skills will likely come easy, leaving you to explore the concepts. And to play with tech as a teacher would. I hope you enjoy!
